The 100 club is open for subscriptions! The majority of the former members of the scheme have pledged to support it again but we shall need some new members, if we are to maximise the return for the club.
Our target: a minimum of 1oo players/members, each paying £30.00, per number [£3000.00]
Our guarantee: a minimum of 50% of turnover will be returned in prizes
(please note that the amount of the prize monies will vary according to the size of the pot)
Simple scheme rules
- Each ‘lucky’ number costs £30.00. You can invest in more than one number. You can have a group/family number[s].
- Special numbers should be requested and where possible will be allocated. You will be advised.
- On the fourth weekend of each month oct-mar, there will be 3 cash prizes, each of £25.00, drawn at the club, by an ec member.
- At the end of the season, there will be a grand prize draw with 4 big cash prizes, expected to be £300, £150, £100, £50.
- At the grand prize draw, [venue tba] The top prize will be drawn first and the lucky winning number will not go back into the draw.
- All numbers must be bought and paid for the first draw at the end of october
- The organisers’ decision is final.
Additional information
** your lucky number[s] Can be bought and paid for via steve brook in the first instance or direct into the club account, lloyds 00260708, 30 97 51, quoting reference ‘100 your name’ or from bob hindle, who will be contacting all former, senior scheme members.
** winners will be announced on the subhc website and facebook platforms
** purchasers of 3 or more numbers will receive social membership of subhc, and an invitation to the agm.